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Kidney tea (misai kucing)

It is a herbal shrub and is grown in many countries of Southeast Asia and has long been used in traditional medicine.

It can remove and clean the blood from excessive toxic .

The leaves are dried and can be used as tea to cool the body.

It is helps to eliminate excess uric acid in the body .

It can prevent the formation of kidney stones.

It is also used to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

The tannin content in leaves can also treat white spot. Research has also found it be an antiseptic.

Ity is used to prevent diabetes.

It is very useful for flushing the kidneys and urinary tract.

If you have urinary tract infections [whether due to fungal or bacterial causes], drink Misai Kucing leaves together with the flowers to treat the condition.

For Rheumatism and gout

It can reduce swelling.

To enhance the functioning of the immune system and reproductive system.

To clean our body of toxins and help stabilize a diabetic's sugar levels

It can reduce and prevent heart diseases and disorders.

Can protect our cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.

It provides a good source of vitamin A.

Other uses:

  • Prevents or reduces cancer
  • Involved with growth & tissue repair.
  • Anti-HIV and anti-malarial
  • Anti stress
  • Anti ulcer
  • Anti-acne


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