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Showing posts from January, 2011

Polgonum minus huds (Daun kesum)

It is easily grown, in wet areas . The leaves are used as ingredients to make local food like laksa and asam pedas They reproduce through stem cuttings. It is a plant that can quickly multiply and dominate an area quickly. Uses: It is used to make dishes such as laksa and asam pedas. Apart from use in food , daun kesum can also be a healing disease for a)  indigestion : Boil the leaves and drink the water b) to treat dandruff:  Pound the leaves and then squeeze out the water and rub onto the scalp . Leave for 3-5 minutes then rinse with clean water

How to Cure Pimples the Traditional Way.

Pimples shouldn’t be touched frequently or squeezed, as this usually aggravates the tissue and leaves behind stubborn marks. Cleansing the face two to three times daily is recommended so that the face is not oily. To decrease swelling from an inflamed pimple, an ice pack can be used temporary by dabbing on the surface for a few minutes. Tomato, mint, or cucumber juice is cooling to the body and can be taken as often as possible. It can also be applied on the face and the neck to provide a blemish-free complexion. Using the traditional way to cure  pimple does not have any side effects. There are some ingredients that are naturally available. Herbal tea is also use to cure pimple. By taking herbal tea often it will clear the toxic substance in the body. Consumption of fried food, sweets, tea, coffee, smooth drinks, and alcohol must be cut down. As a substitute, fresh lime, tomato, or carrot juice can be taken in-between meals.

The Benefits of Taking Chillies

Chillies have many benefits. . If you eat a dish loaded with lots of hot chillies, you will be sweating together with a runny nose. This will eventually help to clear the nasal passage. It can also help to relieve and prevent common problems such as migraines, headaches and discomfort caused by sinus.Other benefits are as follows: - increase metabolic rate which aids in the fat burning process. So it is great for those who wants to lose weight. - lowers cholesterol - as a pain killer - improves blood circulation - warms cold feet and hands

The Benefits of Eating Fresh Ginger

Ginger root has a rough and hard beige skin , juicy and has a pale yellow flesh. It can be used as a spice, fresh or dried and ground to a powder. The fresh, juicy root has a pungent taste and a nice scent that makes it suitable for sweet or savoury dishes, whereas the dried ground root is much more fiery. Young ginger can also be preserved in sugar. It is a popular in cuisines throughout Asia and Europe. Ginger is most commonly known for its effectiveness as a digestive aid. By increasing the production of digestive fluids and saliva, it helps to relieve indigestion, gas pains, diarrhea and stomach cramping. Its root is also used to treat nausea related to both motion sickness and morning sickness.Ginger's anti-inflammatory properties help to relieve pain and reduce inflammation associated with arthritis, rheumatism and muscle spasms. It helps to stimulate circulation of the blood, removing toxins from the body, cleansing the bowels and kidneys, and nourishing the skin. Other us